
Monday, December 2, 2019

Bella Pepeha

Tēnā koutou katoa,
Ko Taranaki te maunga
Ko Waītara te awa
Ko te atiawa te iwi
No Wanganui au
Ko Hayley tōku mama
Ko Jason tōku papa
Ko Kayla toku taina

Ko Oliver tōku tungane
Ko Bella tōku ingoa
Tēnā koutou tēnā  koutou tēnā koutou katoa

Kia Ora Everyone,
Today I also completed this task where we had to write our very own Pepeha's. I asked my mum and we talked about my mountain, river, my tribe, etc. I really loved this task because of knowledge I now know about myself in Moari and I can also say it off by heart. Have you ever written your own pepeha before?


  1. Kia ora Bella, this is Kieryn from the Summer Learning Journey.
    You have done a fantastic job with your Pepeha! I think it is amazing that you sat down with your mum and managed to find out all of these amazing things about yourself.
    I notice that you said Taranaki is your mountain. I have heard that this is a great mountain to go hiking on. Have you ever been hiking on Mount Taranaki?
    I’m very impressed that you can say your Pepeha off by heart! Have you thought about recording your voice over your Pepeha using Screencastify?
    Nga mihi

  2. Hi Kieryn, no I have not been hiking up Taranaki mountain but it sounds like fun! I do think it would be a fantastic idea recording me saying my pepeha off by heart.

    Kind Regards


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