
Friday, May 8, 2020

Colour Push Art

Hello Bloggers, Todays Home Learning Friday Creativity Task Is Colour Push Art. Colour Push takes users to an immersive creative portal while they wait for files to upload or download on WeTransfer, to create art through the movement of their cursor, or if the camera is enabled, their hands and head. Users can spend 90 seconds manipulating a malleable colourful image on their screen. Our Task was also to make multiple pieces of artwork with this website. At the end what makes a painting successful is that compositions, colours, and subject matter, all work harmoniously to deliver a unified and well-executed artwork that is pleasant to the viewer. You also have a set time of one minute and each of the colours spread into the other colours which make it look really interesting. Have you created Colour Push Art Before, If so what designs and ideas did you create?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bella, I like your deigns. I particularly like the third and fourth ones. I think because of the colours, but also because they are quite calming. When I tried the push art, I think i used too many colours, looking at yours, less is more. Nice post, well done.


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