
Friday, March 6, 2020


Hello Bloggers, Numeracy for this term in Mrs Davies Class, we are focusing on Statistics and Drawing proper Bar Graphs. I have completed my Statistics Presentations. A couple of weeks ago we had a competition to see who could hold the longest wall sit with either our Shoes on and dominant foot off, Shoes on dominant foot on and lastly Bare feet. There are many comparisons and differences, for example, Majority 50% of Mrs Davies Class have different grips on each shoe some might not have any grips. I was the record holder with a whopping 1.57 seconds. My task was to make a histogram of all of the results of everyone's recorded time. How long can you complete a wall sit for?

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Bella,
    I love the way you presented your data it is very easy to read, this reminds me of the time I had to do an investigation a bit like this (but not with wall sits.) Over this is a great blog post, Ka pai and keep up the good work.


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