
Monday, November 30, 2020

Book Reviews - Heroes Of The Holocaust

Hello Bloggers, This weeks task for Inquiry is to complete two different Task of our choice. The first Task I chose is to complete a Book or Film Review that we have watched or read recently. We have to list why we like it, what it is about, why others would like it, and an overall conclusion/Rating of what we thought about it. Heroes Of The Holocaust (Which is the novel I chose) is about a young girl, Maria Andzelm who was a Catholic Teenager growing up in Nazi-occupied Poland. Her Jewish friends and neighbours have hauled away one by one to undisclosed locations, never to be heard or seen from again. Later on in the novel, Maria's Family took in two Jewish men. However, they knew that if they had been caught they would either be put to immediate execution or sent to a concentration camp. They hid these men underneath the floor of their barn. Every day, Maria brought them food to satisfy their stomachs and books to feed their minds. She did this every day for two years and paid a terrible price.

Why I liked it? - I like the Heroes Of The Haulocast because it is captivating and it is a Biography, it talks about the War and how these Teenagers put their lives at risk in order to save the Jewish. The overall rating that I would conclude for this is 4 Stars out of 5.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The Technological Enhances Of The Hungi

 Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Task We Are Continuing On With Out Inquiry And Our Hungi Poster/Presentation. While we have students in our class Sailing today, we were put to the task of learning more about New Zealand's Culture, Traditions, and Heritage. Over the past week, I have finished that task and created Diagrams of each individual. Once I had finished that, I moved onto something creative which was a poster. One of my questions was - How has the Hangi changed overtime? The new and improved Hangi has changed drastically over time. There are multiple new technological enhances and negative effects on this. The new Hangi is upheld by 3 crates that are laid out with hot stones that you can also lay your vegetables on top, with an oven underneath. To keep your vegetables nice and fresh, you have to wrap tinfoil around the outside until it reaches the bottom of the dials. The new Hangi is easily accessible and will only take between 3-4 hours to cook, rather than having to deal with the whole process of setting up the pit, heating the stones, preparing the food, and then placing the food into the pit to cook. - Why is the Traditional Hangi, Better than the improved? The Hangi holds values and it was a tradition passed down from generations by ancestors. You also get to contribute to making the Hangi yourself (The freshness and flavour are more alive), Think about the Time Management, When preparing for the Hangi it takes a long day check if the food has texture. Have you and your family had a Hangi before and shared with your Family and Friends?

Friday, October 16, 2020

Leaders Trip

Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Friday Task Is To Blog Something From The Start Of This Term. On the first two days of the Term (Monday and Tuesday), all of the Leaders were able to participate in going to Papanui Youth Development Trust, where we learnt about the Seven Habits, how to improve our Leadership Skills, Motivational Speeches, Self-development, Team development, Strategic thinking, Ethical practice and civic-mindedness and Innovation as well as many other activities. Papanui Youth Development Trust was very educational, and I took so much knowledge and gained information. The Seven Habits Tree are - One is "Proactive", Proactive behaviour involves acting in advance of a future situation, rather than just reacting. It means taking control and making things happen rather than just adjusting to a situation or waiting for something to happen. Two - "Begin With The End In Mind", Planning for a Goal or Dream that you wish to succeed (Painting the bigger picture) 

Three - "Put First Things First", Start by putting the things that are more important, for example, School rather than playing with friends. Four - "Think Win-Win", Everyone has a fair chance. Five - "Seek First To Understand Than To Be Understood", people form opinions based on their own experiences, you filter everything you hear through your life experiences, your frame of reference. Six - "Synergize", To put it simply, synergy means "two heads are better than one." Synergize is the habit of creative cooperation. It is teamwork, open-mindedness, and the adventure of finding new solutions to old problems. Lastly, number 7 which we haven't discussed yet is "Sharpen the Saw", Balance feels best. On the last day of our leaders trip, we had to write a speech for an overall conclusion and experience. What activity have you been able to participate in while being a Leader?

Friday, September 25, 2020

Rocket Inquiry Video

 Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Task Is To Continue On With Our Final Rocket Inquiry Video. Since we last launched our Rocket we have been creating a video from all of the events that have occurred this Term and presented it visually in a way that our Families and Friends can see. Before we started filming, we had to come up with an enticing Script which we will read aloud. For our Film, we used IMovie and added interesting effects such as Rockets Departing as a sound effect, Different Filters, and a VoiceOver. There was a certain rubric that we had to follow of all of the things we had to include, for example, Talking about our Wonder Project Ambassador, their job and how it relates to working with and certain functions and mechanisms of a Rocket, Finding our Centre of Mass and a Swing Test, Our Prototype for our Rocket, Aerodynamics and Stability, Newtons Laws Of Motion, and lastly, what we would do to change or modify and improve our Rocket. On Wednesday, we will have our Celebration Assembly and our Families can participate in what we have been learning this Term, while also having a friendly but competitive competition to see whose D.I.Y Rocket can fly the furthest by using different items, for example, Hex - Nuts can be used for the drag of your Nose Cone which acts as a Parachute. The Measurements will be recorded from the Distance, The Time of Flight that it was in the air for, and the distance of your Rocket calculated from Kilometers. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, I am unable to post my video. What is your Inquiry This Term Were you working integrated or individually?

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

New Zealand Sign Language Week

Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Wednesday Task Is Learning More In-Depth About One Of Our Three National Languages Which Is Sign Language. Todays Task was to challenge ourselves by learning and playing a game which our Teacher found called "Sign Ninja Game" It has a variety of different challenges, for example, the colours, numbers, names of members from a family tree, Puzzles etc you can also earn different awards and Belts. This game does progress into a more complex version. Before our lesson did start, however, we watched a couple of videos to give us a brief explanation of why Sign Language is so important to our country and the alphabet. We would then practise aloud Signing our name and other key attributes. Sign language is a brilliant tool that will help bridge that communication gap that might exist when there is a hearing impairment and even in situations where there is no hearing impairment present. Since communication is so important, that makes learning sign language invaluable for communication. Sign Language is taught at all Schools and can be very efficient. (Reasoning - Said Above) Once we had finished learning about these Signs, we had to create a video of ourselves saying "My name is" by using the letters of our name. My video is not uploading, however, I will try and get it to work. Can you Sign your name, including colours, Numbers and other things too? 

Friday, September 11, 2020

Final Rocket Launch

 Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Inquiry Task We Had To Video Our Final Outcome/Video Of Our Rocket Launch. In the previous Post with our Rocket Slide Show Presentation, we had all of the given information about our Rockets and our Rocket that had our "Three Rocket Launchers" Logo on it and it was a clear 1.5-litre bottle. However, we have now modified this and we painted our Rocket Pink including the Fins and the Nose Cone. Once we went up to launch as we were pressurising the water to 60Psi, the paint on our Rocket made our bottles dried paint crack into minuscule pieces and one of our fins flew off. Next, as we were giving our final countdown to launch our Rocket, it flew on an average 20 meters and flew for 3.75 seconds. Next time I think that we should have kept our Rocket how it was before because the paint put a major effect on this process. From the following weeks, we have been creating an Imovie about this Term during our Wonder Project and all of the events that have occurred including our Swing Test, Centre of Mass and our final rocket launch. What is your project from this Term?

Free Rocket Png Images & Free Rocket Images.png Transparent Images #4055 -  PNGio

Friday, August 28, 2020

Rocket Test Flight

 Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Learning Task For Inquiry Is Reporting Back On Our Rocket Test Flight. On Thursday, we had to create a Presentation that deflected on The Fins, Nose Cone, Weight, Water, Psi (Per Square Inch) And Our Overall Flight Success. Next, we had to present our reflection of our Rocket in front of the class, so if anyone had to change anything or make something different to improve their design, they could report back or take notes. For my group, we used four fins placed around the 1.5-litre bottle evenly. To get the rectangular shape we had to trace it using cut out card. For our Nose Cone and Weight, we used three Hex-Nuts that were placed around the outside edge with Sticky Tape around it to keep it secure. 

When we went outside to Test our Rocket we used 280ml of Water and turned the dial on the Pressure Gage to 60Psi. When we Tested our Rocket it glided to the other side of the field while rotating on a 360 Degree Angle, once it landed other than one fin falling off we glued it back on and our Nose Cone, as it acted as a Parachute was needed to sellotaped while being attached to the bottle. Each Inquiry Session, our Group takes Notes and has created a Slide Show to represent all of the work we have completed, and for the parents or caregivers to see on the Launch Day. Have you launched your own Water Rocket Before, and what was your final outcome of the process?

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Coding A Public Service Announcement

 Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Wednesday Task Is To Complete Your Very Own Coding To Create A PSA. After our group finished Technology, our Teacher decided to teach us how to Code a PSA (Which is a Public Service Announcement) It is a message intended to the Public, with the objective of raising awareness of a specific issue, and is intended to changing public attitudes and behaviour towards it. (This is Preferably discussed by the Government) My Coding Presentation informed people about Deforestation and how humans are cutting native trees down and clearing these essential habitats of animals on a massive scale and how this needs to be decreased or stopped at once. My Coding has a Person discussing this information, which if you click it my character, it will speak about why it is a major problem. Once it has finished talking press on my monkey that will talk about him wanting to be protected. To learn Coding there are certain elements and conditions that you must follow, to provoke my characters to talk I had to distinguish the certain tools numbers and words. For example, sprite = codesters.Sprite("monkey")sprite.move_down(150) sprite.move_left(120) means I have created a new Sprite which is labelled as a "Monkey" Have you coded something similar before to raise awareness?

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Samoan Virtual Class - Room

 Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Wednesday Learning Task Was To Create Our Very Own Virtual Classroom Using Google Slides. As over the past weeks we have been learning in Depth about the Language of Samoan and the attributes and Traditions. Our Teacher told us that we had to create a Slide Show/Presentation that has to include images from the internet that has a hyperlink and relates to the Presentations we have created that has to do with Samoan. Here are the things we had to include in our Virtual Classroom. - Samoa as a Country link to a Traditional Dance video, Basic Greetings, Alphabet, How to count from 1-10, Information about Siapo or Tapa Designs How it is created and An animation showing a simple Conversation in Samoan. Have you created a Virtual Class Room that has to inform other people about something or a certain Subject?

Monday, August 17, 2020

Rocket Animation

 Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Learning Task For Continuing On With Our Inquiry Is Creating Our Individual Rocket Animation. As for the past Term we have been learning about the Fundamental Science of a Rocket, using a Pressure Gage to launch our Rockets that has to be filed under 60 PSi and our Rocket Engineers have demonstrated some of these aspects. This Afternoon, our Teacher set us a Task and included in the Animation we had to include a Diagram and the Forces of a Rocket. This Includes the Thrust, Weight, Drag and Lift. We also had to show the developing process of the Rocket launching off into our Solar System. At the end of this Term, we will be using, precisely, one-litre bottles and creating plastic fins attached with other essential items. Have you learnt about the Diagram of the Rocket?

Friday, August 14, 2020

Pukana - Maori Games

 Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Learning Friday Task Is To Create A Video, Poster, And Qr Code To A Moari Game. Our Teacher Mr Lone put us in a designated group of four and we got given a game to learn which was Pukana. Our First task was to take notes about what the Pukana Game is and how to play it, next we designed a creative Poster to demonstrate and give an introduction into how to play the game with a group of more than five. Lastly, we did a demonstration video with two combined groups together to fully evaluate our final outcome. 

The game starts by getting all the people into a circle. One person will start the chant and everyone else will start slapping their thighs to the rhythm of that person's chant and once the starting chant has ended he will either point both hands to the left or right and yell Pukana. Next, The person who has been pointed at now has the choice to go left or right by yelling Pukana and pointing. The person that they point to will do the same, and so on and so forth. 

There is another option instead of Pukana that is available and that is to slap your hands in motion were the right hand will go forward and slap the left hand and then yell "Aue" and it would be transferred to the person across being pointed at and they would yell “hī” and raise both arms to their head. The people beside the person receiving the “Aue” would have to yell “Tautoku” and point their left hand on an angle to the ground and their right arm bent to make a triangle shape like a salute to their head. If you would like to make the game harder and more challenging if someone breaks the cycle or takes more than a certain amount of time, they are out. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Samoan Language Animation

Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Learning Wednesday Task Is Learning More In-Depth About The Samoan Language. In Term 1, we were focusing on learning basic Samoan Greetings and then from the Start of Term 2 we were focusing on Savings and Money Capabilities. My Animation was of a Teacher informing two students about the Samoan Language, basic Greetings, and learning them in various sentences. The Background of my Presentation using Google Slides was demonstrating a Class Room and specific learning resources other than the Traditional Samoan Beaches and Palm Trees because I was wanting to be more authentic. Have you learnt the Samoan Language Before?

Monday, August 10, 2020

Children's Books - Literacy

 Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Learning Task In Literacy We Have Been Focusing On Writing And Learning Around The Areas Of Children's Books. Over the past weeks, we have been watching certain people reading Children's Book and recognising the Theme, Moral, Language Features, Message Etc. Children's Books has really enticed me to learn more about Picture Books for Younger Audiences. By the End Of This Term, we will be creating our very own Story with following a certain rubric structure to make our Storys both engaging and interesting. Here Is The Rubric Structure I Created - We will also be Illustrating it and creating a Cover Page for our Novel using Canva. Have You Created Your Own Story Before?

Simple Moral

- Alliteration

- Description

- Basic Storyline

- Simple Vocabulary 

- Character Development/Traits

- Creative Setting

- Basic Plot - Cohesions (Introduction, Problem, Action, Resolution, Conclusion)

- Grammar

40 Best Children's Books for Your Family Library - Kids' Books for ...

Parachute For Rocket Challenge

 Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Learning Task For Our Rocket Challenge Inquiry Is To Be Able To Construct And Build Our Own Parachute. Our Initial Design Process was a range of fabrics conjoined together to make a curved shape. We then added Masking Tape to help hold everything together and finally string that attached the two Hex - Nuts. Our second Design Process Involved us using Bubble Rap, Masking Tape to hold the String and finally the Hex - Nuts. By using the String and Inter Twining it together created a curved shape. With all of the Materials we used with our Design, we didn't want to add to many materials or else it would go straight down which had a lighter Material will cause it to go slower. Our Challenge Today, Is The Parachute with the slowest time wins. Our Parachute, However, Didn't go as planned as we only started with a small-time Frame. Our Parachute started with a nice flow then went straight to the ground, our time in Mid - Flight was 1.4 Seconds. Once we had finished creating our Parachute we created a slide that had our Begging, Middle and End Evaluation Plan and Outcome. Have you constructed your own Parachute before and added the certain Steps?

Monday, July 27, 2020

Literacy - Film Noir

Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Literacy Task We Have Finished Learning About The Genre Of Film Noir. Today I had to choose two Tasks, my First one was to create three Posters and which has to be a Movie of different Genres and my second task is to research about an Old, Urban Legend, and what it is known for. For my first Poster, I chose the Movie "Hocus Pocus" and added all of the Conventions and Elements that are involved in the Movie. For Conventions Wise, I added the Main Characters in a transparent format and I added Cauldrons on a slight angle, with a dark, Gothic, Forest Background. The Genre that it started was with Horror and I transformed it into a Film Noir. On my Second Poster, I chose to do "Hamilton" The Musical and Transform it into the Fantasy Genre, by doing this I added Microphones, A Formal Script (That people in the 1950s would use to sign certain contracts) Theatre Masks which include Good and Bad, and Unicorns, Clouds, Wands, and a Pastel Background. Lastly, I researched and Old, Urban, Legend which was about "The Hook Man". Have you learnt tasks similar before?

Monday, July 20, 2020

Space Galaxy And Newtons Laws

Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Task For School Learning We Are Focusing On Engineering, Space and Galaxy and Newtons Three Laws. For Inquiry This Term, We will be Re-Searching about various aspects of things to do with Rockets, The Gravitation, Engineering, Science Technology, Space and Galaxy and many more. Our Inquiry Is Featuring "The Wonder Project" and will guide us and Teach us about Launching Our Own Water Rocket. This Weeks Task, I have started a Task to give me more insight into what Space and The Galaxy is. My Task Today was to Re-Search the Conditions on Mars and create a list of Ten Items or Materials that I would take and why. I created this Task using an Adobe Spark Web Page, You can use different Sources of Materials such as a Poster (They are all Categorised in Certain Areas) Have you done a similar Task before and had the chance to Launch your very own Water Rocket?

Prospect On Mars

Friday, July 3, 2020

Southern Light Art Work

Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Friday Task Is To Create A Southern Light Art Work. An Aurora Australis is a natural phenomenon that usually occurs in the Northan and Southern Hemisphere, Near the Poles of the Arctic in the North and Antarctica in the South. The Colours are very Vibrant although the Most Common Colour is Green, although they can also include Pink, Purple, White, Red. Aurora Lights are associated with the Solar Winds that flow past Earth. These winds then flow out from the Sun and contain Plasma Particles which then gets pulled into the Earths Magnetic Field. 

As the Plasma Particles slowly accelerate towards Earth, the Nitrogen and Oxygen in the Atmosphere release into Energy and form into spectacular Aurora Lights. Our Task Is to Create Our Own Light Art Work. Our First Step was to get some White Paper and rip out multiple shapes of Hills/Mountains. Next, We Stuck our Stencil onto the Black Paper and applied Specs of White Paint to symbolise the Stars in the Milky Way. Next, we had to apply Chalk Pastels which are Very Fragile and we used our finger to swipe up the Chalk so it gives a Southern Light Effect. Lastly, We had to use the back of a Paint Brush and choose a Colour (White) and then add Seven Stars making Matariki the biggest and her Six Children together in a Cluster. Have you Created Your Own Aurora Australis Art Work Before using these similar Objects?

Add caption

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Global Warming (Pollution)

Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Task For Inquiry Involves Us Finishing Our Global Issue Artwork. For My Global Issue Art, I completed my Pollution which is Two Worlds. One side of my world demonstrates he beautiful Land and Environmental Spaces we have and the Animals, and on the other side is our World in the future that is burning Fossil Fuels and Gasses and there is Pollution that has dispersed everywhere. With the final outcome of my piece of Art I really like the Colours incorporated to this Design with also many additional features which make it look very intricate. After finishing Painting, I have had to complete my Blurb of what my piece of Art is and why I chose this. For the Final Term Art Production, my Teacher has created a Virtual Gallery which is in various sections of different Global Issues. The Virtual Gallery will be easy to navigate and walk around looking at every Students Art Piece this Term. Usually, we would have an Assembly and Caregivers would come in and look at what we have been focusing on, although as of COVID - 19 we were unable to do so. If you were to choose a Global Issue, what would comprise you Art Work and what would be meaningful about it?

Monday, June 29, 2020

Working Backwards Strategy (MatheMatics)

Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Task In Numeracy We Have Been Learning A Working Backwards Strategy. The Strategy of Working Backwards is used to Solve Problems, For Example, to make it easier for you, you should write the Steps down. Start with the end of a problem, and work Step By Step toward the beginning to get a Solution, Write down each step as you get closer to figuring out the Problem, And Finally, The last Step will Verify that the Method Works and then you should get the Answer. Also If we were to Subtract a Number we would add, If I Multiplied a Number we would Divide If I Divided we would Subtract so this is Reversed. 

Todays Task, I Was Informed to Create my own Word Problem Solving Question and then apprise people of how to work it out and the Steps. Here is the Following Word Problem I Created - There was a Dancing Competition, 10 Minutes Later 14 People Left because they found the Following Dances To Complicated, 15 Minutes Later 3 People were eliminated from not following the Steps Correctly, 30 Minutes Later Once the Judges Made Results 7 People were voted off the Competition. And Lastly, the Judges and Group decided to Gain 3 More experienced Dances to Join the Team, How Many People Signed Up For The Competition Firstly? 

Working backwards and Backtracking by Matthew Ibarra on Prezi Next

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Wizard Of Oz Website

Hello Bloggers, A Couple Of Weeks Ago I Finished My "Wonderful Wizard Of Oz" Essay Website. I worked presumably Hard in order to have it Finished and to try and award myself a Great Essay Mark. Throughout My Essay, I included an Introduction and I discussed the Key Themes, Symbols, Character Traits and also for extra, I completed a Sub Genre about the Antagonist and Protagonist also to finish off my Website an Analysis and Summary. Before creating a Website we had many different Work Shops and Creativity Task about the Wizard Of Oz so we have various Notes to take in from our Lessons. From everything I learnt throughout the Term, I gained so much knowledge about it and even the Long Lasting Back Story behind it. 

Our next Task we will be focusing on for Next Term is a Video Essay on a Specific Genre of our choice, my option was Horror. Throughout my Video Essay, I will include the Texas Format (T - Topic Sentence, E - Evidence, X - Example,  A - Analysis, S - Summary) Within this, I will include many quick Videos and explain what Horror is, Examples, Evidence, What makes it a Horror Genre and many more. Please press the Link down Below to read my Wizard Of Oz Essay and take your time when reading. Something to think about when Reading this is gathering different thoughts in your head about the multiple scenarios and events that are happening within the Genre and think about the Elements, Conventions, Quotes, and Cliches. What have you been learning this Term within English (Literacy) Reading and Writing?

Wizard Of Oz Website

Literacy Musical

Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Task In Literacy We Have Moved On From The Horror Genre To Musicals. Musicals are a Genre that includes Music, and other Theatrical Delicacies. Our Task Today was to find out about Musicals, What does it Look Like, Sound Like, Feel Like, and what are some other attributions (Movies) that are Similar to this Genre. For Example, They Include Bright Colours, Huge Set Productions, Singing and Dancing, They can also have the Productions Set On An Olden Theme, The Females Wear Long, Formal Dresses To Bring In The Atmosphere and Effect of the Scene that Is happening, and for the Audience to get an idea of the Characters, Middle, and End. Today I watched a Musical which was Beauty and the Beast which was released in 2017 and Directed by Gary Trousdale and Kirk Wise. From Then On, I wrote Notes about the Various Cliches, Conventions and Elements that fit into the Genre/Movie. Have You Pulled apart a Movie Before and Discussed the Different Conventions and Elements Before?

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Literacy Horror

Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Literacy Task I Have Been Learning More In-Depth About The Genre Of Horror. Horror is a genre of speculative fiction which is intended to frighten, scare, disgust, or startle its readers by inducing feelings of horror and terror. Horror also has a guide to what is involved in Horror. Characters: Teenagers, strong female protagonists, an unlikely hero, evil antagonist. Sound: High pitch and low pitch hums and rumbles. A mixture of diegetic and non-diegetic sounds.Setting: Haunted houses, castles, bleak cities, claustrophobic spaces, creepy forests. Colours: Reds, blacks, whites, deep blues, dark greens.Atmosphere: On the edge, jump scares, damp, dark, cold.Themes: Fear of the unknown, man vs creature, distress, supernatural.The Shock factor' - intent to provoke emotion and distress the audience.

Within Learning about Horror once we have gathered information we are going to write about the Genre of Horror and then form and create a Video Essay. The Minimum length for a Video Essay has to be at least over three minutes long. I have also been writing an introduction to Horror and Creating Posters to inform and Provoke Horror. To give Horror its natural effects on a Poster, you have to involve a Dark, Cold Colour, Bold Font that represents the Story or Movie, Great representation of images, conventions and objects that have been used. Is there any other known facts you know about the Genre of Horror?

Horror: Defining the Genre, Sub-genres, Styles, and More | LitReactor

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Coding Binary (Ascii)

Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Wednesday Task We Are Learning More In-Depth About Binary And Ascii. Our task today, was to figure out our Initials from our Name and Code them using Binary into Ascii. For figuring out the first numbers of my name you have to think about how many letters are in the alphabet. For Example, The numbers for Binary in my name are B - 2, e - 5, l - 12, l - 12, a - 1. Next, We had to do the following for our Last name. Next, we had to figure out our first name in Binary to Ascii, by doing this all you had to do was write the code which is 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64. By doing this you had to figure out how many numbers you can make within that Code. Lastly, we got to choose three different colours mine was Dark Pink for 1's and Light Pinks for 0's, for the middle colour I used Yellow. Have you learnt Binary and Ascii/Coding Before?

Friday, June 12, 2020

Matariki Information Report

Hello Bloggers, Todays Friday Task We Are Moving On To Learn More In-Depth About The Seven Constellations Of Matariki. I decided to watch a couple of videos to teach me more about what Matariki Truly Is. My task today was to create an Information Report About Matariki on an Adobe Spark Video Presentation. I incorporated (Introduction, What Is Matariki, Names Of The Stars And What They Represent, Why The Seven Stars Are Important and Harvesting And Cropping Foods) This Presentation took me one hour to complete and I am very pleased with the Final Results. Once I had finished my editing process and adding pictures to add intricate detail, I did a VoiceOver. Matariki Is Such A Neat way of learning because you learn a lot of detail and a major explanation about it. (Why It is So Important, What It Symbolises) Have you seen the Seven Constellations Before?

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Global Issue Picture

Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Task In Inquiry Involves Around Us Choosing A Picture That We Think Has A Resemblance And A Meaning That We Relate Too. I chose a picture that I thought had a resemblance on the World and an impact that needs to be changed. I wrote a meaning about why this relates to my topic and why I choose it. There are different aspects of this Picture although this is what I wrote about. This Picture That I Have Chosen, Relates To My Global Issue In A Purpose. This Picture is representing and informing about Global Warming and how much of an impact it is putting on our Ecosystem. This Picture Also refers to why and how these people want the World we have now to revert how it used to be when there was no pollution floating around our Oceans, Waterways and Landfill. This Is Why These People Are covering Up The Global Warming Landscape In The background and replacing it with Beautiful, Lush, Coloured Trees Framed On The Wall. Have you chosen a Picture Before that you thought had a major impact on the World?

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Siapo Design

Hello Bloggers, Todays Weekly Wednesday Task Is To Make Siapo Designs. One of the oldest and most important traditions of Samoa is the Siapo or Tapa.  It is a type of cloth made from the bark of the mulberry tree.  It is very time consuming, because the bark must be harvested, stripped, separated, scraped, and beaten before it can be used.  It is then laid out in the sun to dry.The artist uses natural dyes, created from items such as berries, bark, and nuts to make patterns on the cloth.  There are 13 traditional patterns used on siapo that represent things common to Samoan culture such as nets, coconut leaves, shells and flowers. Our Task was to Sketch four different inspired Siapo Designs and choose are favourite one. Next we had to Sketch our Designs onto a piece a paper fold it and then draw our designs on each of our for squares to show a sequence. For my Design I used Earth Colours, which are dark greens, yellow, Brown, Red. I created a Flower Design that has leaves on the outside crease of the Flower. Then we got to colour it with die and then scrunch it up and display it on our walls so that it gives a Tapa Cloth effect. Have you created a Siapo Design Before, was it inspired or Self Created?

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

What Is Irony? (Inquiry)

Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Inquiry Task Is Learning And Creating A Presentation To Represent Irony. There are three different types of Irony (Situational, Dramatic, Verbal) Situational Irony, is involving a situation in which actions have an effect that is opposite from what was intended so that the outcome is contrary to what was expected. Dramatic Irony Dramatic irony is defined as when an audience watching a play understands what's going on in a situation while the characters are unaware of what is happening. And lastly Verbal Irony is basically Describing something although Over Exageratting It, for Example, You Say "It is so cold outside" While you are wearing a full piece tog when actually it is really Hot Outside. Our Task was to take around 4-6 Pictures and choose what representation of Irony we would like to Present. My Group which involved Sophia and Italy chose Verbal Irony. Our discussion was about Pusing Someone Over then it reoccurs again. Which then after taking the shots we added Collums which is what you use to add text and add borders and make it a Comic Strip. Have you created a Comic Strip showing your findings or Presenting something Online On what irony Is?

Friday, June 5, 2020

Koru Necklace Video

Hello Bloggers, Todays Friday Task was finishing our Koru Necklace. Today after I showed the Teacher my Symbolisation of My Koru Necklace I was able to move on to the Air-Dry Clay. The Air-Dry Clay was very challenging at times because we had to work quickly with the Clay so that it wouldn't dry. When I started forming my shape together I managed to see that there were little cracks forming so to help fix this problem I had to take some Water and dap it on my Design so that It can help mould my shape. After I created my mould once it was still wet I had to create a little hole on the top of the heart so that the necklace band can fit through it. Once our Design was set to dry we had to create an Adobe Spark which will explain the beginning, middle and end process of the Art that we have been focusing on this term. By creating our Adobe Spark Video we had to do a voice-over, add pictures and detail to make our Videos informative. Have you created a Koru Necklace out of Air-Dry Clay or Bone Before?

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Rainbow Fish Animation (Narrated)

Hello Bloggers, Todays Weekly Task. I was introduced to a Website named Upskilled. On this website, there are a variety of different Tasks and certain activity you can do so you can earn yourself a Badge. For example, you can complete tasks that may include your Hobbys like Baking, Reading, Gaming (Although this included having to Code) On each task you complete you can earn 20 XP, which in order to earn your online Badge you have to reach 100 XP. Once you have finished your task you upload it onto Upskilled and you have to wait for a Teacher Approval. Todays Task that I completed Was to choose one of your favourite Picture Books and Create an Animation and Narrate It. Have you earnt any online Badges Before?

Friday, May 29, 2020

Friday Task (Koru Designs)

Hello Bloggers, Todays Friday Learning Task Is To Finish Off Creating Our Koru Designs. Over the past week, we have been Sketching and Drawing over our Korus with Sharpie. Once we had finished doing that Step we had to choose three different Oil, Pastel Colours that would go on our Korus and we had to follow a certain structure that the Pastels would blend nicely together. Today I finished colouring in and started to Die my Koru with Black and I did three coats of that Colour so that my background was dark enough. While I was waiting or it to dry our task was to create three different sketches of a Koru Necklace and practice moulding it in Playdough. My Final Designs Of my different Korus took me a while. The final design I chose to create is a Heart Koru, my Design symbolises Love, my Family Connected as one together and trust. The Three vines on the side represent me, My Brother and Sister. Then we have to write about what the Necklace symbolises and what it means to us. Have you created your own Koru Designs before and moulded a Necklace. 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Numeracy (Angles Of Triangles)

Hello Bloggers, Todays Numeracy Task throughout the week is learning about the different Angles interior and exterior and Polygon Angles. As well as drawing some shapes using a compass- not a North/South compass, but a pair of compasses that you draw circles with. On Monday we practised drawing Triangles and working out the different Degrees of Angles, for example, an Obtuse Angle is less than 90* and more than 180*. We have also been constructing different shapes, drawing various tables and working out the Formula. To work out the Formula for working out the interior angle of any given sided Polygon, it to take the number of sides minus it by two and then multiply by 180*. Now Today is Thursday and we have been doing a Test about what we have learnt over the past week. Here some examples of my Knowledge.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Weekly Tasks!

Hello Bloggers, We have now been out of LockDown from the Corona Virus and are back at School. I have been doing numerous different tasks during the week including Numeracy and Literacy Tasks. For maths, I have been learning about Scales and the World for Example the scale for the South Island is 1:500,0000cm. I have also been learning about the different Angles and Rules of shapes, for example, we have a protractor and a shape with three different alphabet letters then we would have to measure It and also find the rule. In literacy, I have been focusing and gathering information about The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz which is one of my favourite movies. Usually every Term we would have to read and write an essay about that topic and genre although we are doing something different and using our creativity in a different way, which is creating our very own Website. On my Website, I am going to have different themes including Themes (Home, FriendShip and Perseverance) The Characters, Symbols, And Summary and Analysis. What have you been doing since you have been back to School?

Friday, May 15, 2020

Living On The Back Of An Animal

Hello Bloggers, Todays Home Learning Task For Friday Is Living On The Back Of An Animal. I think it is both impossible and not impossible to live on animals back. For human beings, we can't really be living on animals back whereas if you were a marine life animal one of these creatures could swim up and make a cosy house, or someplace that they can sleep. If I was to live on animals back it would most likely be a bird, because they can fly and it would be awesome to experience that feeling and see the amazing scenery that is in the sky. For example the Mountains, Hills and Clouds. My task is to draw and design my own home that I can live in. I also have to think about all of the different features that I would need to live in my home including Food and Water. Who else would live in this home just you by yourself or with others? I think personally that I would like to live with some friends and family members so if you were in Danger, everyone has different ideas and solutions to help solve that problem. If you had the chance to create your home, which animal would it be made on?

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Stained Glass Window

Hello Bloggers, Todays Home Learning Friday Task Is To Create A Design Or Make A Stained Glass Window. I didn't have the materials to use for this challenge, although I decided to Plan and Design my outcome of what it would look like. As a material stained glass is a glass that has been coloured by adding metallic salts during its manufacture. The coloured glass is crafted into stained glass windows in which small pieces of glass are arranged to form patterns or pictures, held together (traditionally) by strips of lead and supported by a rigid frame. The History of Stained Glass Windows. The purpose of most windows is to allow a view of the outside and admit light into a building. The purpose of stained glass windows, however, is not to allow people to see outside, but to beautify buildings, control light, and oftentimes to tell a story. My Design For A Stained Glass Window is two grey birds interacting with each other. I have a variety of swirls and different colours of the rainbow. I really love the outcome of my design if I had the chance to design my own Stained Glass Window Challenge. Have you ever created your own Stained Glass Before?

Burried Treasure (Numeracy)

Hello Bloggers, Todays Home Learning Task In Numeracy Is To Find The Buried Treasure. We had multiple Questions and activity that we had to do and also in order to find the Buried Treasure that our teacher hid. Mrs Davies gave us coordinates for example move South West 1.6km. We also had to fill out a piece of writing and fill in the blanks with all of the different Coordinates to give us a recap of what we have done so far this term, and we even got to create our own Treasure hunt for someone to figure out and find. My favourite activity in Maths would have to be working out different Coordinates, I like to challenge myself and work out the different problems. The work we have been doing is also closely related to Geography about the World and the imaginary lines of Latitude and Longitude. Write in the comments where you think my Treasure is, and give the Coordinates and how far you travelled. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Key Similarities And Differences (Wizard Of Oz)

Hello Bloggers, Todays Home Learning Task In Literacy Is To Find Three Key Similarities And Differences In The Wizard Of Oz Movie And Novel. Key Differences And Similarities Characters Book And Movie - One of the biggest character changes is Dorothy. In the book, Dorothy is portrayed as being heroic and brave. She is portrayed as this because she saved the other characters and herself several times. For example, Dorothy saved the Scarecrow, Munchkins, Winged Monkeys for setting them free from bondage and slavery.  In the movie she is different, she is portrayed as both meek and shy and not as courageous as in the book. The three main characters the Scarecrow, Tin Woodman and the Cowardly lion all remain the same with their similar traits. Other characters such as the Witches are portrayed the same both in the movie and book. One difference is that within the movie The Wicked Witch of the West she never harassed or hurt Dorothy or her friends in the movie she was just the bad guy. Another example in the Book The Wicked Witch of the West has conquered the Winkies and treats them as slaves. She uses the fear of her cruelty in order to stay in power and prior to Dorothy arriving in Oz, she send her various minions from the Golden Cap. Luckily all of these characters protect each other from these creatures. 

Key Differences - 1. In the book, the ruby shoes were actually silver but now due to the new technicolour film process, they made the Ruby shoe red.  2. In the book the Scarecrow receives a Brain, The Tin Woodman receives are Heart and the Cowardly lion receives Courage.  Although because of copyrighted purposes and the Wizard being a Humbug and a fraud he is not able to grant the companions their wishes so he gives the Scarecrow a degree for thinking, a Tin Woodman a heart token for testimonial and his kindness and consideration, and the Lion a courageous necklace with crosses so now he can be his lead of King of the Beasts. 3. Once Glinda tells Dorothy about returning home she repeats constantly “There is no place like home” and then appears in her bed and apparently according to Aunt Em it was all just a bad Dream where an in the book she actually did go to the Land Of Oz. What other differences can you list to the Wizard Of Oz?

Wizard Of Oz Clipart Characters

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Seven Wonders Of New Zealand (Mathe Matics)

Hello Bloggers, Todays Home Learning Task In Maths Is To Create A Seven Wonders Of New Zealand Presentation. For this task not only did we have to write about the spectacular places, although we also had to do maths this included working out the Latitude and Longitude Coordinates of that specific wondrous place. I made a presentation of an Adobe Spark and I love the layout and description I have used. A wonderous place is somewhere in New Zealand that could have a very special feature to it or some sort of meaning for example in the Moeraki Boulders in Dunedin there were Maori Legends. We also had to list 3-5 interesting facts about this place although I incorporated mine with my Writing. Do you know any other wonderous places that are located in New Zealand?

Monday, May 11, 2020

Wizard (Literacy)

Hello Bloggers, Todays Home Learning Task In Literacy Is The Wizard Theme. Again we had three questions that needed to be answered with the following explanation in great detail. The following questions included How does the character of OZ differ from the book in the movie? Is OZ GOOD? Or is he Bad? Does OZ manipulate the munchkins in order to stay in control? What would you do if given the powers of Oz? I answered all of these questions except for the first one because today I'm going to watching the movie and taking some notes about the themes and what is happening. I find out many key ideas about the Wizard as he is just a Humbug which is a Fraud and isn't at all Great and Powerful. He was trying to hide his profile the whole time so the Wicked Witches wouldn't find out. Who is your favourite Character in the Wizard Of Oz?

Friday, May 8, 2020

Colour Push Art

Hello Bloggers, Todays Home Learning Friday Creativity Task Is Colour Push Art. Colour Push takes users to an immersive creative portal while they wait for files to upload or download on WeTransfer, to create art through the movement of their cursor, or if the camera is enabled, their hands and head. Users can spend 90 seconds manipulating a malleable colourful image on their screen. Our Task was also to make multiple pieces of artwork with this website. At the end what makes a painting successful is that compositions, colours, and subject matter, all work harmoniously to deliver a unified and well-executed artwork that is pleasant to the viewer. You also have a set time of one minute and each of the colours spread into the other colours which make it look really interesting. Have you created Colour Push Art Before, If so what designs and ideas did you create?

BackYard Bird Motel (Technology)

Hello Bloggers, Todays Home Learning Task For Fridays Technology Task Is To Create A Backyard Bird Feeder Motel. For our planning preparation we were asked numerous different questions which involve around us thinking of what materials we would need if we were to make one, Where our Bird House would be placed, Will it have a place for food and water and finally for the end what would your Backyard Bird Feeder look like. I could not make a Bird Feeder because I did not have any of the materials although I drew and planned out what I liked about it and wrote about the sequels and extensions to the house such as colours, decorations, will it have doors and windows, three dimensions and cobbled roof. Also for an extension task, I have created a poster of my favourite native bird here in New Zealand and written information about that specific bird. If you don't know what a Bird House is it is A nest box, also spelt nestbox, is a man-made enclosure provided for animals to nest in? Nest boxes are most frequently utilized for birds, in which case they are also called birdhouses or a birdbox/bird box, but some mammalian species such as bats may also use them. Here is how you can attract birds so they can come each day. If you attract them to your yard by having bird-friendly birdhouses and adding fresh clean water to the yard, the birds will help out in many ways in your garden. Bird Houses can provide a safe place for birds to build their nests, protected from the elements and predators. Have you planned and created a birdhouse before?

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Disappointment (Literacy)

Hello Bloggers, Todays Home Learning Task In Literacy Is The Disappointment Theme. We had three questions we had to answer with a good explanation. The Questions Were. Why do you think that Dorothy is able to move past discouraging situations so quickly? Describe a situation in the book where disappointment leads to a new opportunity. What coping mechanisms do the characters draw on to deal with disappointments as they arise? Name at least two and describe the situations in which they were used. 1. As Dorothy faces new challenges every moment along the Yellow Brick Road she may come into some very discouraging situations, which can lead to Dorothy feeling disheartened or frightened. Dorothy is a very persistent and hopeful character so I think she is able to move quickly past these situations and deal with them because she has a goal and wants to achieve it, although if people stop and get in her way, for example, The Wicked Witch Of The East trying to stop her on the way to the Emerald City she won't be able to get back home to Kansas.

2. Near the ending of the story, Dorothy tells the Wizard that she has killed the Wicked Witch Of The East, so they make a hot air balloon so they can try and find their way back home to Kansas. But then when the Wizard is telling Dorothy to quickly get in she lost Toto in the crowd then when Dorothy grabbed Toto the Wizard had already set off on his journey in the Hot air balloon by himself. So then as the friends still support one another they all travel back to see Glinda the good witch, she tells Dorothy that there is powerful magic in her silver shoes and with three taps she can go anywhere in the World.
3. One Mechanism when the group of friends helped each other was when the Lion and Dorothy fell asleep in the deadly Poppy field. The Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow could easily lift Dorothy the way back on her journey until she awoke although they couldn't lift the Lion because he was far too heavy. Then Tin Woodman gains the favour of the Queen of the Field Mice because he saved her from the jaws about nearly getting eaten by a wildcat. The mice ask the Tin Woodman how can they repay him. So he asked if they can carry the Lion out of the Poppy Field. (They lifted the Lion out with string) Another example of a mechanism is when the scarecrow is trapped high in a tree from when the khalidas were chasing him. To get him out of the tree the Tin Woodman used his axe to chop down the tree. Have you learnt about the theme of Dissapointment?