Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Task We Are Continuing On With Out Inquiry And Our Hungi Poster/Presentation. While we have students in our class Sailing today, we were put to the task of learning more about New Zealand's Culture, Traditions, and Heritage. Over the past week, I have finished that task and created Diagrams of each individual. Once I had finished that, I moved onto something creative which was a poster. One of my questions was - How has the Hangi changed overtime? The new and improved Hangi has changed drastically over time. There are multiple new technological enhances and negative effects on this. The new Hangi is upheld by 3 crates that are laid out with hot stones that you can also lay your vegetables on top, with an oven underneath. To keep your vegetables nice and fresh, you have to wrap tinfoil around the outside until it reaches the bottom of the dials. The new Hangi is easily accessible and will only take between 3-4 hours to cook, rather than having to deal with the whole process of setting up the pit, heating the stones, preparing the food, and then placing the food into the pit to cook. - Why is the Traditional Hangi, Better than the improved? The Hangi holds values and it was a tradition passed down from generations by ancestors. You also get to contribute to making the Hangi yourself (The freshness and flavour are more alive), Think about the Time Management, When preparing for the Hangi it takes a long day check if the food has texture. Have you and your family had a Hangi before and shared with your Family and Friends?
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