
Friday, September 25, 2020

Rocket Inquiry Video

 Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Task Is To Continue On With Our Final Rocket Inquiry Video. Since we last launched our Rocket we have been creating a video from all of the events that have occurred this Term and presented it visually in a way that our Families and Friends can see. Before we started filming, we had to come up with an enticing Script which we will read aloud. For our Film, we used IMovie and added interesting effects such as Rockets Departing as a sound effect, Different Filters, and a VoiceOver. There was a certain rubric that we had to follow of all of the things we had to include, for example, Talking about our Wonder Project Ambassador, their job and how it relates to working with and certain functions and mechanisms of a Rocket, Finding our Centre of Mass and a Swing Test, Our Prototype for our Rocket, Aerodynamics and Stability, Newtons Laws Of Motion, and lastly, what we would do to change or modify and improve our Rocket. On Wednesday, we will have our Celebration Assembly and our Families can participate in what we have been learning this Term, while also having a friendly but competitive competition to see whose D.I.Y Rocket can fly the furthest by using different items, for example, Hex - Nuts can be used for the drag of your Nose Cone which acts as a Parachute. The Measurements will be recorded from the Distance, The Time of Flight that it was in the air for, and the distance of your Rocket calculated from Kilometers. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, I am unable to post my video. What is your Inquiry This Term Were you working integrated or individually?

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