
Friday, September 11, 2020

Final Rocket Launch

 Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Inquiry Task We Had To Video Our Final Outcome/Video Of Our Rocket Launch. In the previous Post with our Rocket Slide Show Presentation, we had all of the given information about our Rockets and our Rocket that had our "Three Rocket Launchers" Logo on it and it was a clear 1.5-litre bottle. However, we have now modified this and we painted our Rocket Pink including the Fins and the Nose Cone. Once we went up to launch as we were pressurising the water to 60Psi, the paint on our Rocket made our bottles dried paint crack into minuscule pieces and one of our fins flew off. Next, as we were giving our final countdown to launch our Rocket, it flew on an average 20 meters and flew for 3.75 seconds. Next time I think that we should have kept our Rocket how it was before because the paint put a major effect on this process. From the following weeks, we have been creating an Imovie about this Term during our Wonder Project and all of the events that have occurred including our Swing Test, Centre of Mass and our final rocket launch. What is your project from this Term?

Free Rocket Png Images & Free Rocket Images.png Transparent Images #4055 -  PNGio

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