
Friday, August 14, 2020

Pukana - Maori Games

 Hello Bloggers, This Weeks Learning Friday Task Is To Create A Video, Poster, And Qr Code To A Moari Game. Our Teacher Mr Lone put us in a designated group of four and we got given a game to learn which was Pukana. Our First task was to take notes about what the Pukana Game is and how to play it, next we designed a creative Poster to demonstrate and give an introduction into how to play the game with a group of more than five. Lastly, we did a demonstration video with two combined groups together to fully evaluate our final outcome. 

The game starts by getting all the people into a circle. One person will start the chant and everyone else will start slapping their thighs to the rhythm of that person's chant and once the starting chant has ended he will either point both hands to the left or right and yell Pukana. Next, The person who has been pointed at now has the choice to go left or right by yelling Pukana and pointing. The person that they point to will do the same, and so on and so forth. 

There is another option instead of Pukana that is available and that is to slap your hands in motion were the right hand will go forward and slap the left hand and then yell "Aue" and it would be transferred to the person across being pointed at and they would yell “hī” and raise both arms to their head. The people beside the person receiving the “Aue” would have to yell “Tautoku” and point their left hand on an angle to the ground and their right arm bent to make a triangle shape like a salute to their head. If you would like to make the game harder and more challenging if someone breaks the cycle or takes more than a certain amount of time, they are out. 

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